This is the 7yr. Period following "Rapture" during which the Antichrist rules the world. The first 31/2 yr period is of "lesser tribulation" The latter 31/2 yr period is of "great tribulation."
The Bible speaks at length about the "Tribulation" in Revelation, Matthew and other books. It is a period of great distress. Born again believers escape this holocaust as they would have been caught up with Christ during Rapture. People can still be saved during the Tribulation but it will be very difficult because going against the Antichrist would means death.
Rev. 6 and the chapters after that give a detailed picture of things occur during the tribulation. In Revelation 5:7 and 6:1 we read about the Lamb of Jesus Christ taking the book out of the right hand of God and breaking the seven seals.
When he opens the 1st seal, the tribulation drama upholds with the rise of the Antichrist, right after the "Rapture".He is the rider on a white horse (Revelation 6:2)
When He opens the 2nd seal there comes forth another horse that is red. (Revelation 6:4) This means "wars" Many thousands will die in these wars.
When he opens the 3rd seal there comes forth a black horse. Verse 5&6 of Revelation 6 speak really about, "famines" that will strike the whole world after the wars.
When Christ opens the 4th seal, John sees a pale horse and its rider is "Death", and "Hell" follows him. Verse 8 of Revelation 6 again speaks of famines and pestilences, or murders and killing by beasts.
Revelation 6:9,10,11 say,
"And when he had opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the sould of them that were slain for the word of God, and for the testimony which they held. And they cried with a loud voice, saying, How long, O Lord, holy and true, dost thou you not judge and avenge our blood on them that dwell on the earth? And white robes were given to them and it was said unto them, that they should rest yet for a little season, until their fellow servants also and their brethren, that should be killed as they were, should be fulfilled."
Here we read of the souls that have been martyred for Christ in the first 3 1/2 yrs of the tribulation crying to God for justice to be done to them and they are told to rest for a while till the martyrs of the great tribulation. i.e. last 3 1/2 yrs. too are gathered.
When the Lamb opens the 6th seal (Revelation 6:12) many things happen:
An earthquake, the sun is darkened,the moon is affected, the stars fall, many people understand that the wrath of the Lord has come and they try to hide from Him and His wrath.
In Revelation 7 we read of an angel of God having the seal of the living God, sealing 1,44,000 Jews; 12,000 each from all the tribes of the children of Israel (Revelation 7:2,4). They are protected from calamities during the ealry tribulation by God and are saved during the first 3 1/2 yrs. These 1,44,000 are raptured alive at the middle of the 7yr. Tribulation period and are in heaven after that. (Revelation 12:5 & Rev. 14)
Also in Revelation 7: 9-17 we read about all the tribulation saints (all who have been matryred for Christ during the tribulation) standing before the throne and before the Lamb. v. 15,16,17 speak of their future. "Therefore are they before the throne of God and serve him day and night in his temple: and he that sitteth on the throne shall dwelll among them. They shall hunger no more,neither thirst any more neither shall the sun light on them, nor any heat. For the Lamb which is in the midst of the throne shall feed them, and shall lead them unto living fountains of waters: and God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes."
In Revelation 8:1 we read,
"And when he had opened the seventh seal there was silence in heaven about the spece of half an hour."
Why there was silence is not said; possibly the preparation of the 7 trumpets.
In Revelation 8 we read about the 7 angels standing before God and they are given 7 trumpets (Revelation 8:2)
In Revelation 8:3-5 we read of another angel having a golden censer and filling it with fire and throwing it on the earth and there was thunder, lightning and an earthquake. All these also result in death of many.
When the 7 trumpets are blown, great catastrophies occur.
When the 1st angel sounded, as is recorded in Revelation 8:7, hail & fire mingled with blood is cast upon the earth and a third part of trees and all green grass is burnt up.
When the 2nd trumpet is sounded a great burning mountain is thrown into the sea and a third part of sea creatures and ships are destroyed. (Revelation 8:8,9)
When the 3rd trumpet is sounded, a burning star called wormwood falls on 1/3 rd of the rivers and foundations of water and poison them and many die because of drinking these waters (Revelation 8:10,11)
When the 4th trumpert is sounded, 1/3 rd parts of the sun, moon and stars are struck so 1/3 of the day and night have no light as those parts affected are darkened (Revelation 8:12)
The 5th trumpet also brings judgement on the remaining inhabitants of the earth for when the 5th angel sounded, an angel. i. e. the star of Revelation 9:1 opens the bottomless pit from which locusts come upon the earth.
These are not ordinary locusts but creatures that will look exactly as described in Revelation 9:7-10
-shaped as horses
-crowns of gold on their heads
-face like men
-hair as of women
-teeth as of lions
-breasplates of iron
-with wings
-tails like scorpions
which sting
They are told to torment and hurt but not to kill, for 5 months.
Also they are commanded not to hurt grass or trees or any green thing and not to touch any person with the seal of the living God. These locusts have a King over them called "Apollyon" or "Abaddon" who is the angel of the bottomless pit.
When the 6th trumpet is sounded, a voice from the golden altar which is before God tells
the 6th angel to loose 4 fallen angels who are bound in the river Euphrates. Each loosed angel will be the leader of 50,000,000 horsemen and they are seated on horses which have their heads like lions and they kill 1/3rd of the people left on earth with fire, with smoke and with brimstone that come out of their mouths. (Revelation 9:13-19)
Revelation 11 speaks of 2 witnesses sent by God to prophesy to the Jews for 1260 days. If any one tries to hurt them during the days of their prophesy, fire comes out of their mouths and devours their enemies. God gives them unique powers during those days.
The identity of one of these witness is revealed clearly in Malachi 4:5. Here it says "Behold I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord."
The other one most probably would be Enoch, for he is the only other human in the Bible to be translated without death before the Rapture.
After 1260 days these 2 witnesses are killed and all the unbelievers rejoice for 31/2 days,then the spirit of life from God enters them wnd they become alive and are taken upto heaven in a cloud.
When the 7th angel sounded, many events occurred.
The 24 elders fell on their faces and worshipped God;the temple of God was opened in heaven and the ark of the testament was seen and lightning, thunder, an earthquake and a hailstorm occurred (Revelation 11:19); there was war in heaven and Michael and his angels fought against satan and his angels and satan was cast out in to the earth. (Revelation 12:7-9)
Then in Revelation 15, we see the grand finale of God's fury being readied; the 7 angels having the 7 last pagues. (Revelation 15:1)
In Revelation 16, each of the angels pour out the vials of the wrath of God upon the earth. When the 1st angel poured out his vial, all of Antichrist's worshippers were inflicted with grevious sores (Revelation 16:2)
Then the 2nd angel poured his vial on the rivers and fountains of water and they became blood. (Revelation 16:4)
The 4th angel poured his vial on the sun and the sun scorched men with fire (Revelation 16:8)
The 5th angel poured his vial on the Kingdom of the Antichrist and there was total darkness(Revelation 16:10)
The 6th angel poured his vial on the Euphrates and the water of the Euphrates dried up. (Revelation 16:12)
The 7th angel poured his vial into the air and there were thunders, lightning and the greatest earthquake that has ever occurred; and there was a great hail from heaven, every stone weighing more than 100 pounds and men blasphemed God because of the plague of hail. (Revelation 16:17-21)
The events of the 7th vial continues with the destruction of literal Babylon culminating with the 2nd coming of Christ and the battle at Armageddon; Jesus Christ destroying Antichrist and his armies and setting up the millennial Kingdom i.e. the 1000 year reign of Christ of earth.
Just think of it dear friend! Would you prefer to ascend with Christ during Rapture and be in heaven forever or subject yourself to the trying times during the tribulation. Wars; famines, persecution, earthquakes, hailstorms, pestiIences and many more catastrophies are soon coming upon our world.
How often we are troubled by little sicknessess and we despair. Think of the cruel realities that you have just read. During the famines for want of food people will eat their own flesh and even kill others for food and water. If you are wise you would give yourself to Christ and ascend with Him during Rapture.
Break your rock like heart today. A broken spirit is what Jesus appreciates. That's why he says "Blessed are the poor in spirit, for their's is the kingdon of heaven." (Mathew 5:3)
If you are unsaved, consider His call today. You'll never regret it.
"The Lord taketh pleasure in them that fear him, in those that hope in his mercy. (Psalm 147:11)
"Harden not your heart, as in the provocation, and as in the day of temptation in the wilderness. (Psalm 95:8)
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